All tagged 2020/12

Wintertime Storybook Walk

Storybook Walks have been a feature of Swarthmore’s Little Crum Creek Park since 2017. Now the Swarthmore Public Library and Swarthmore Town Center have teamed up to bring the strolling-and-reading experience to the center of town.

2020 in Review: Before and (Mostly) After

Rereading articles from this past January and February is like peering through the wrong end of a telescope into a lost world. Here’s a review of what we were doing and thinking about in 2020, as it showed up in the pages (and website) of this newspaper — both BC (Before COVID) and AD (After Distancing).

Unscientific Survey: Sleep

Anecdotal evidence abounds that COVID-19 has negatively affected people’s sleep, and scientific data is starting to come in. The New York Times recently reported on a study in which 44% of people said their sleep had worsened during the pandemic, compared to 10% who said their sleep had improved. By that standard, Swarthmorean readers are doing pretty well.

Ohev Shalom Raises the Curtain on a Second Century

Ohev Shalom synagogue in Wallingford celebrates its hundredth anniversary this year. To mark the occasion, the congregation commissioned a vibrant new ark curtain from Indian-American-Jewish artist Siona Benjamin. The symbol-rich curtain tells the story of the prophet Joseph, an outsider who overcame oppression. This connects to the synagogue’s efforts at “tikkun olam,” repairing the world.

Last Call for Santa

With only a few days left until Christmas, Santa is finalizing travel plans for his annual Christmas Eve visit to the Village of Swarthmore. Time is running out to schedule a special visit!

Holiday Cookies and Other Treats

As the winter holiday season gets underway, many of us are turning on our ovens and opening our recipe books to make our favorite holiday treats. For those who want to try something new this year, the Swarthmorean — in collaboration with the Swarthmore Co-op — has a few suggestions submitted by local residents.

Writer Sought for Disability Journalism Project

Seeking writer fluent in issues facing disabled people in the Greater Philadelphia Area for grant-funded project focusing on the impact of COVID-19. The project seeks to connect community newspapers (including the Swarthmorean) with disabled writers who will write four to eight articles under the supervision of the newspaper editor.

Book Rx: Literary Prescriptions for This Holiday Season

Years ago, Swarthmorean associate editor Satya Nelms decided to get creative with her Christmas presents. This year, she combined her DIY tradition with her love of books. She shares some of her gift prescriptions: stories of people who combine Black, female, queer, poor, immigrant, and disabled identities.

2021 Resolution Run

Swarthmore Recreation Association presents its first ever “Resolution Run,” to be held on January 1, 2021. In past years, the association has held an annual New Year’s Day 5K race. This year’s Resolution Run will be different: It will be virtual, and it is not limited to 5 kilometers.

Taxes to Stay the Same; Sparks Fly Over Bicycle Enforcement

In a sometimes fiery meeting that lasted over three hours, Swarthmore Borough Council voted on Monday not to raise taxes in 2021. The vote was 6 to 1. The most contentious part of the meeting was a report on the increasing nuisance of bicycles in the business district. Business owners have complained that cyclists are riding down the Park Avenue sidewalk with little regard for pedestrians and leaving their bikes obstructing the sidewalk.

Helpers: December 11, 2020

Last summer, Stephanie McDonough of Wallingford posted on the Nether-Swarthmore TimeBank website that the St. Katharine Drexel Food Pantry in Chester needed contributions. Andrea Knox, a member of Swarthmore Friends Meeting, saw the post. “I figured members of the Meeting would welcome this opportunity to fight the pandemic in a constructive way,” she says. So Knox began soliciting contributions for this food pantry in the Meeting’s weekly email newsletter. She reports, “We’ve sent food to the pantry almost every week since.”

Equity Audit on Hold, Diversity Training Ongoing

An equity audit of the Wallingford-Swarthmore School District is on hold for now, pending an investigation into who might best perform it, board member Kelly Wachtman reported at the board’s meeting on Monday. Also, Superintendent Lisa Palmer reported that the school board has begun equity training with Heather Bennett, Director of Equity Services for the Pennsylvania School Boards Association. Palmer anticipates that the board will produce an equity statement and an equity policy by the end of the school year.