Where is the outcry? — The Swarthmorean

Based in Sydney, Australia, Foundry is a blog by Rebecca Thao. Her posts explore modern architecture through photos and quotes by influential architects, engineers, and artists.

Where is the outcry?

Where is the outcry?

To the Editor,

I read that a luxury, five-story condominium complex is planned to replace the buildings on 102/104 Park Ave. and 110/112 Park Ave.

Not only would our most valued/loved small businesses, Gallery on Park and the gift shop H.O.M., have to leave their premises, but the solid, unique building next door would also be condemned to be replaced. I have seen the design of the new, high building and am completely shocked, as its design does not mesh one bit with the architecture of our lovely, cozy town; in other words, it is totally out of character. 

I remember the outcry when a high hotel was planned for the town and consequently the plan was diminished to a three-story, beautiful Inn. Please, fellow Swarthmore residents, let’s get to work again! 

What we actually need in Swarthmore is additional, affordable housing for our seniors—as suggested by the Aging-in-Place Task Force.

So why is hardly anybody talking/writing about this new plan which would ruin the ambiance of our distinctive, charming town? Just one article by H.O.M. owner Shannon Elliott was published in the September 10 issue of the Swarthmorean; and on September 17, Gavin Stief’s letter condemning this possible, most negative development was printed.

Here is my serious and urgent request to council not to approve these plans, and I think it would be helpful to see more letters like this in the town’s paper—hopefully before the October 20 planning commission meeting at Borough Hall.

Thank you, 

Gudrun Weinberg 

Raising money for refugees

Raising money for refugees

Thanks, Scott

Thanks, Scott