Swarthmore Fire & Protective Association Report (August 3-16) — The Swarthmorean

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Swarthmore Fire & Protective Association Report (August 3-16)

Swarthmore Fire & Protective Association Report (August 3-16)

Firefighters responded to an August 10 alarm for a fuel tanker on fire in Morton Borough. Firefighters from Swarthmore and Morton-Rutledge pulled hoselines to extinguish the blaze in the engine compartment. Photo: Johnathan Cresson

Firefighters responded to an August 10 alarm for a fuel tanker on fire in Morton Borough. Firefighters from Swarthmore and Morton-Rutledge pulled hoselines to extinguish the blaze in the engine compartment. Photo: Johnathan Cresson

August 3-16

In this two-week period, the ambulance responded to 24 calls for medical assistance, to Swarthmore, Rutledge, Morton, Springfield, Nether Providence Township, and Ridley Township. The calls were for a variety of emergencies, including seizures, assault, respiratory emergency, head injury, hemorrhage, back pain, and dead on arrival.

In addition, the fire company responded to: 

  • Two water rescues in Morton due to flooding.

  • Nine service calls for basement pump-outs in Swarthmore during the heavy rains.

  • Six automatic fire alarms.

  • One elevator alarm at 10 S. Chester Road, Swarthmore, for an occupant with children trapped in the elevator.

  • Three wire alarms, including one for a transformer fire at the corner of Cornell and Harvard avenues.

  • Two hazmat alarms, including one in the 300 block of Rutgers Avenue for a carbon monoxide alarm activation in the attic.

  • Two vehicle fire alarms.

  • One alarm on for a tree through the roof on the 600 block of Ogden Avenue.

  • 10 mutual aid calls to Morton-Rutledge and Nether Providence Township.

  • One cover assignment to Rocky Run Fire Dept. in Middletown Township.

Swarthmore Fire & Protective Association Report (August 31-September 13)

Swarthmore Fire & Protective Association Report (August 31-September 13)

Swarthmore Fire & Protective Association Report (July 21-August 2)

Swarthmore Fire & Protective Association Report (July 21-August 2)