All tagged Swarthmore Horticultural Society

A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood for Wesley AME

On a crystal clear morning last Saturday, with the early sun casting a dramatic spotlight on the gold and red leaves of the autumn trees, a band of volunteers descended upon Wesley AME Church and immediately got to work disrupting the hushed stillness of Swarthmore’s Bowdoin Avenue. It was all part of the Garden Community Work Party hosted jointly by Wesley AME Church members and the Swarthmore Horticultural Society, aimed at improving and beautifying the church grounds.

Pollinator-Friendly Bulbs at SHS Sale

On Saturday, October 10, the Swarthmore Horticultural Society will hold its annual Bulb Sale. The variety of beautiful spring-blooming bulbs will add early pops of color and texture to every garden space. This month is the perfect time to plant bulbs: the soil temperature is cooling but freezing temperatures have not set in. This year’s 11 selections offer a wide variety of color and bloom time, and many attract butterflies and bees as part of SHS’s continued mission of encouraging everyone to plant pollinator-friendly flowers and shrubs.

Facelift for Gateway Park

The triangular patch of land situated at the intersection of Baltimore Pike and Route 320 is Gateway Park. Recently, weeds and overgrown thistle have slowly strangled the flowers. Their thick tangle has obscured the “Welcome to Swarthmore” stone marker, dark at night due to a broken floodlight. Finding a volunteer garden manager willing to oversee the park has been a recurring thorn in the side of the Swarthmore Horticultural Society (SHS). But now, it appears, the right gardener for the job has come along.

SHS Bulb Sale Offers ‘Bee-Friendly’ Beauties

We’ve barely escaped the summer heat, but soon the dark, cold days of winter will be upon us, and every gardener will start counting down the days to spring blooms. On Saturday, October 19, the Swarthmore Horticultural Society will hold its annual Bulb Sale at the Swarthmore Farmers Market, featuring a variety of beautiful spring-blooming bulbs that share one special characteristic: they are all beloved by bees. 

Big Weekend in Swarthmore

It will be an exceptionally busy few days in Swarthmore from October 4-7. At Swarthmore College, it’s Garnet weekend. Swarthmore town center is busy day and night, starting with October‘s First Friday celebration and Quizzo at the Swarthmore Co-op. Swarthmore Presbyterian Church puts on its annual fall fair, and Swarthmore’s Farmers Market begins at 9:30 as usual, with Swarthmorean publisher Rob Borgstrom performing antique appraisals. Check out our whole rundown…

Bring on the Summer of the Sunflower

Have you heard the buzz about sunflowers? They are garden showstoppers but are also wonderful for pollinating insects — especially native bees, whose numbers are in steep decline. The Swarthmore Horticultural Society has decided to make this the “Summer of the Sunflower” to raise awareness of the role the flowers — and the bees they attract and protect — play in the health of a diverse habitat.