Unscientific Survey: Veep Picks
Respondents to our most recent survey, about Joe Biden’s vice presidential pick, were internally divided. Their hearts said “Elizabeth Warren,” with a substantial plurality of 34% saying they favored the Massachusetts senator (Biden has pledged to choose a woman). Next were two other senators and erstwhile presidential candidates: Kamala Harris of California at 18% and Amy Klobuchar at 16%. There was also one write-in vote apiece for Hillary Clinton, Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham of New Mexico, and “the best candidate not based on sex.”
Responses to: “Who do you want Biden to pick as his running mate?”
But when it came to who you think Biden actually will choose, it was a different story. The two top picks were African-American women, presumably reflecting your sense of his strategizing. Harris was named by 32% of respondents and former Georgia legislator Stacey Abrams by 24%. The write-ins were Illinois Senator Tammy Duckworth and New York Governor Andrew Cuomo. Could Cuomo’s strong leadership during the pandemic crisis cause Biden to go back on his word and pick a man? Seems unlikely, but strange things have tended to happen of late.
Responses to: “Who do you think Biden will actually choose as his running mate?”
Unscientific Survey No. 8
For our next survey, we’re asking you to opine on some contentious issues in Swarthmore’s recent past. With the benefit of hindsight, were the following good ideas?
The Inn at Swarthmore
The roundabout
Swarthmore College’s decision to drop football
The Blue Route
And going way back to 1983, the consolidation of the Swarthmore and Nether Providence school districts
To have your opinion count, fill out the survey by clicking the button below.
Ben Yagoda is the Swarthmorean’s survey editor.