All tagged 2019/09

It pays to BBQ

Thank you to everyone who came out to support the Co-op this past Saturday at the BBQ Fundraiser. Your food purchases and donations added up to $3,206.02 that will be used to renovate the existing café space in the Co-op.

Check out ABC this fall

On Friday, October 4, we will have a table at the Strath Haven football game against visiting Springfield. Stop by to see us and maybe pick up a giveaway item. And on Saturday, October 5, we will have a table at the Swarthmore Presbyterian Church Fall Fair, from 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Stop by when you’re enjoying one of the fall’s best local events.

Larry loved us

Last Saturday, I attended the memorial service for the late Larry Luder, who faithfully served the Borough of Swarthmore as a member of the Swarthmore Fire Company for almost 50 years, and as President of the Swarthmore Fire and Protective Association for 38 years.

The real costs of food

Recently, a social media post asked why the corn at the Co-op costs more than the corn at Trader Joe’s. It’s a common question. I’d like to flip it around and instead ask: why is the corn at TJ’s so cheap? “Cheap food” makes me wonder: who in the supply chain was exploited? Because certainly, someone was.

Wrong way parking enforcement

My family and I are extremely disappointed that Swarthmore council voted to enforce the new street parking policy, in which all cars must face the same direction. While we understand that it’s a state law due to safety concerns, we also know that not every town has to enforce it.