All tagged Swarthmore Town Center

Forum Highlights Accessibility Problems and Possibilities

An April 13 forum on accessibility in Swarthmore was organized by architect and Swarthmore resident Samina Iqbal, and hosted by Swarthmore Town Center. The event gave community members the opportunity to learn about the experiences of community members who are disabled, the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act, and options for complying with the law.

New Town Center Coordinator and Gun Safety at Council

Swarthmore Town Center announced that Sarah Matthews is the nonprofit’s new coordinator. One of Matthews’ first tasks will be creating guidelines for the parklets, which are currently authorized to run through March 31. Also, many local police departments store firearms for people concerned that they are a danger to themselves. Swarthmore also provides this service.

Swarthmore Town Center Seeks New Coordinator

Swarthmore Town Center, Inc., a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, seeks a part-time Town Center Coordinator. The Town Center Coordinator is responsible for the promotion, event-planning, and physical aspects of Swarthmore’s town center in order to enhance the town’s retail environment and community engagement.

Run Home for the Holidays

Swarthmore’s annual Home for the Holidays 5K will be virtual this year. This will be a no-frills charity run with no T-shirts or medals awarded. But participants are still encouraged to wear seasonally appropriate costumes. And since it is a virtual event, you can complete it any time between December 12 and 19.

Subdivision Gets the Green Light

After hearing from neighbors, developers, and engineers, and deferring to the legal expertise of borough solicitor Robert Scott, Swarthmore Borough Council voted to approve the subdivision of 686 N. Chester Road at its October 5 work session. The council had the choice between voting for one of two proposed plans for the property, or of voting to reject both.

Coming Back...Carefully

What will the Swarthmore business district look like this summer? That was the question local merchants discussed at a May 27 Zoom meeting with members of the non-profit organization Swarthmore Town Center (STC) and Mayor Marty Spiegel. With Delaware County slated to move from the red phase to the yellow phase of reopening on June 5, business owners are trying to figure out how to proceed.

Big Weekend in Swarthmore

It will be an exceptionally busy few days in Swarthmore from October 4-7. At Swarthmore College, it’s Garnet weekend. Swarthmore town center is busy day and night, starting with October‘s First Friday celebration and Quizzo at the Swarthmore Co-op. Swarthmore Presbyterian Church puts on its annual fall fair, and Swarthmore’s Farmers Market begins at 9:30 as usual, with Swarthmorean publisher Rob Borgstrom performing antique appraisals. Check out our whole rundown…

Thursday Night Lives Again

Continuing a summer tradition initiated in 2017, Thursday Night Live begins again in Swarthmore on June 27 at the Central Park amphitheater, with music by the Swarthmore hometown band Swukestra, and young local acoustic phenoms The Minor Adjustments. The free concerts begin at 7 p.m. in the amphitheater and run until about 10. It’s a perfect setting for a picnic dinner, with food from a number of Swarthmore eateries open for the occasion, or packed at home for your family.