All tagged Recycling

New Officer, Free Parking, Trash and Recycling Contract

Swarthmore Borough Council led off its monthly legislative session on Tuesday night with the ceremonial swearing of new police officer George Dunn, who was celebrated by a throng of fellow and family members. Officer Dunn actually began in the job last week following his official oath of office. Council president David Creagan congratulated council members Mary Walk and Ross Schmucki on their reelection, new member Jill Gaieski upon her election, and Mayor Marty Spiegel on election to his first full term. Gaieski will replace Creagan on Council as of the upcoming reorganization meeting.

Police Department Adds Officer and Technology

In its two October meetings, Swarthmore Borough Council approved several measures which should make the borough less attractive to speeders, and safer for all residents. Council members voted to approve the conditional offer of employment to Folcroft resident George Dunn as a patrol officer, gave the go-ahead to purchase two solar-powered radar speed signs, and adopted standards for hardscaping in the borough zoning code.