Based in Sydney, Australia, Foundry is a blog by Rebecca Thao. Her posts explore modern architecture through photos and quotes by influential architects, engineers, and artists.

Swarthmore First in Renewable Natural Gas

Swarthmore First in Renewable Natural Gas

In September 2019, Swarthmore Borough Council passed a Ready for 100 resolution. Ready for 100 is a program created by the Sierra Club to encourage Pennsylvania’s “cities and towns to make a pledge to complete the transition to 100% renewable energy.” By adopting the resolution, borough council committed to renewably sourcing all energy used by government, residents, and town businesses for electricity by 2030, and for heat and transportation by 2050.

As part of this initiative, the borough will purchase renewable natural gas to heat municipal buildings starting this year. “That switch will be effective February 19,” reported borough manager Jane Billings at council’s February 1 work session. Renewable gas is derived from methane captured from organic waste in landfills and other waste management facilities. The methane is then repurposed as a clean, environmentally friendly energy source. 

This purchase was made through the Energy Co-op of Pennsylvania. The Energy Co-op’s Meryl Sands said Swarthmore appears to be the first municipality in the commonwealth to switch to renewable natural gas. 

“We are proud to set an example for other municipalities and for residents of the borough,” said Elizabeth Jenkins of Swarthmore’s Environmental Advisory Council. “The urgency of the climate crisis requires rethinking old ways of doing things and supporting new technologies.”

Don’t Die Till You’re Dead

Don’t Die Till You’re Dead

Zoom Tunes

Zoom Tunes