Based in Sydney, Australia, Foundry is a blog by Rebecca Thao. Her posts explore modern architecture through photos and quotes by influential architects, engineers, and artists.

Santa Visits the Village

Santa Visits the Village

Just the other day, Santa Claus made his annual phone call to the Swarthmorean asking us to remind residents that he will be visiting our borough again this year.

As many readers know, Santa has been coming to our village on Christmas Eve since the 1890s – no matter how deep the snow or bitter the winds. This year, however, Santa has been following the COVID-19 pandemic closely from the North Pole, and knows that everyone, including Santa’s family, elves, and reindeer, needs to adjust how Santa’s visits will be handled this year.

Here are the 2020 Swarthmore Santa Claus visit safety guidelines:

  • Santa still wants to visit your house, but he will need to remain outside, perhaps on your porch or in your driveway.

  • Santa will come earlier than usual — between about 6 p.m. and 9 p.m. — when children will be awake.

  • Santa will need to remain 10-plus feet from your family. He requests your assistance in ensuring children remain socially distanced.

  • If your family needs to quarantine due to exposure to someone with the coronavirus or a positive COVID-19 test, please notify Santa at

  • If for any reason you change your mind and no longer want a visit, please email Santa will understand and will look forward to a visit in 2021.

In the event the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention or the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania adjust guidelines for outdoor activities, Santa’s North Pole team will communicate with families via email to relay any updated procedures. In the event of severe weather, or if Santa himself tests positive and needs to quarantine, the visit may be canceled.

Santa’s elves are ready and look forward to receiving information from the parents or grandparents of children 10 years of age and under living in or visiting Swarthmore the night before Christmas. To request a visit, please contact Santa’s workshop and register online at as soon as possible.

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