Based in Sydney, Australia, Foundry is a blog by Rebecca Thao. Her posts explore modern architecture through photos and quotes by influential architects, engineers, and artists.

Join the Swarthmore Borough Environmental Advisory Council

Join the Swarthmore Borough Environmental Advisory Council

The purpose of the Environmental Advisory Council is both to advise the Swarthmore Borough Council, and to educate the citizens of Swarthmore, on matters that affect the quality of the environment. These include matters relating to the protection, conservation, management, promotion, and use of natural resources.

Current projects include research and activities that fulfill the borough’s commitment to the Sierra Club’s Ready for 100 campaign, as we seek to transition our community to 100% clean energy.

The Environmental Advisory Council is composed of seven voting members, plus a number of associate members, and volunteers. Meetings occur at 7:30 p.m. on the fourth Tuesday of the month. Voting members are appointed by the borough council to serve a term of three years. New voting members will be appointed in 2021. To be eligible for appointment as a voting member, you must be a current resident of Swarthmore Borough.  

Diverse applicants are encouraged to apply.

To apply to be a voting member, email your contact information to the borough at by December 30, including a brief description of why you are interested, and any relevant background. 

For more details, contact Elizabeth Jenkins and Annie Fox, Environmental Advisory Council Co-Chairs, at:

The Show Must Go Online!

The Show Must Go Online!

Linton Stables Raises Spirits and Funds

Linton Stables Raises Spirits and Funds