Based in Sydney, Australia, Foundry is a blog by Rebecca Thao. Her posts explore modern architecture through photos and quotes by influential architects, engineers, and artists.

Festival of Lights

Festival of Lights

Now that it’s December, my dog and I take our morning walk well before sunrise. I don’t relish this, but the dark has its compensations. The holiday lights are lovely, and this morning the moon seemed caught in the branches of my neighbor’s oak tree. Frost sparkled on the lawns all the way up Cornell Avenue. I’m even getting to like the green and blue light-up vests the early runners are wearing. 

So many different kinds of light in the darkness. 

Hanukkah, the Jewish festival of lights, began last night. To me, the menorah always looks forlorn on the first night, with just the one candle (plus the shamash) burning. But I like knowing we’ll add another every night. It seems like recompense for the minute or two of sunlight we are still losing daily. 

Pretty soon it will be the winter solstice, after which a daily minute (or two) of light will be added back. I always feel a sense of relief on the solstice, knowing the tide of light has stopped ebbing and is beginning to flow. And this year’s solstice will be extra special, with the charismatic mega-planets Jupiter and Saturn closer together in the sky than at any time since 1623. Look to the southwest just after sunset.

In my extended family, the last few years we’ve celebrated Hanukkah with a wine tasting. This December, since we can’t be together, my sister- and brother-in-law have sent each household three bottles of wine in advance, so we can all drink the same thing as we light candles and sing and open gifts over Zoom. They’re even sending gourmet snacks. It makes me wonder what special arrangements other people might be making to celebrate the holidays. Consider sending us a letter to let us know at

It’s been a dark year by pretty much any measure. As we move into winter, I hope all of you have lights to kindle. Glimmers of promise for the new year.

Rachel Pastan

Humans of Swarthmore: Isys Nelms

Humans of Swarthmore: Isys Nelms

No Swarthmore Fire Company Christmas Trees

No Swarthmore Fire Company Christmas Trees