Tenth Panther Pajama Run
With so much of work and school conducted virtually these days, many people are spending more time in their pajamas than ever before. The Panther Pajama Run offers the opportunity to run a 5K in pajamas too.
The annual Panther Pajama Run is a fundraiser for the Foundation for Wallingford-Swarthmore Schools, an independent nonprofit run by a volunteer board of parents. Ordinarily, the foundation raises money for special projects and teaching tools across the school district.
This year, because of the pandemic, the run will be a virtual race. Participants will run a 5K, on their own, any time between November 7 and 15, and send in their time. It will be uploaded to the Run the Day website, where runners will be able to compare their times to those of other participants. Since there is no official timing system, no awards will be given. Just as in previous years, participants are encouraged to do the run in their pajamas.
Proceeds will go to the foundation’s COVID-19 relief fund to help struggling district families. Since the virtual race doesn’t have the overhead expenses of a live race, more of the funds raised will go directly to people who need it. However, the foundation is not soliciting corporate donors this year, because local businesses are struggling too. So all the money raised will come from race fees.