Three Swarthmore Mail Carriers are ‘Million Milers’
Swarthmore’s new Million Milers (from left) are William Kane, Francis “Billy” Raymond, and John Fanelli.
Last Thursday morning, June 20, Swarthmore postal employees paused before beginning their delivery routes, opening customer windows, and processing mail, in order to honor three of their colleagues. Swarthmore mail carriers John Fanelli, William Kane and Francis “Billy” Raymond were inducted into the Million Mile Club, each receiving an award only given by the United States Postal Service to mail carriers who have either driven or walked one million miles or have worked 30 years with the company without incident.
Judy Herrick, USPS District Manager (and herself a member of the Million Mile Club) presented the award and praised the awardees’ outstanding service for 30+ years, pointing out how difficult it is to deliver the mail for that many years without incident. Bill Raymond has 33-plus years of service; John Fanelli and William Kane each have 30-plus.
At the invitation of outgoing post office manager Michael Keller, Swarthmore Borough Council member Ross Schmucki presented letters of commendation to the three awardees, writing: “As a 30-year resident of the Borough of Swarthmore and an elected representative on Swarthmore Borough Council, I wish to express my deep personal thanks, and the thanks of all Swarthmore Borough residents for the awardees’ dedicated and skilled service to our community…We will always value your essential role in providing connection through authentic documents.”