Swarthmore Presbyterian Church Welcomes Alex Evangelista as Minister for Christian Formation
Alex Evangelista
Earlier this year, Swarthmore Presbyterian Church began a quest to find a new Minister for Christian Formation to help lead SPC’s youth and to support various needs of its broader congregation. After interviewing numerous worthy candidates, this spring an SPC search committee recommended Alex Evangelista. Alex accepted the call, and on Monday, June 17, began serving in the new position.
Evangelista, who just moved to Media, was recently awarded his Masters of Divinity by Princeton Theological Seminary, the latest step in an educational journey which has been enriched by involvement with congregational support and advocacy for those in need. While at Princeton, Alex was a chaplain intern at Penn Medicine Princeton Health, leading spirituality groups for in- and out-patients and meeting one on one with patients.
A native of Tulare, Calif., and longtime Southern California resident, Alex did undergraduate work at Azusa Pacific University, graduating with Bachelor’s degrees in Theology and Biblical Studies. During his time at the university, Alex was involved in leadership programs as a resident advisor and leader of Chapel and Discipleship groups. After graduating, he worked at the first non-profit immigration resource center of the San Gabriel Valley, served as an intern at Mannofield Church in Aberdeen, Scotland, and accepted the call to serve at San Marino Community Church, in San Marino, Cal. These experiences allowed Alex to know first-hand what it means to walk with a congregation, and how theology in action can make a difference in people’s lives.
Evangelista believes Christian Education and Formation are essential to Christians of all walks of life. “Christian formation is a lifelong journey,” he said. “Education is part of that, for both the student and the teacher, as is service, forming us into the people of God.” Alex perceives Swarthmore Presbyterian as a community ripe with opportunities; where Christians can be encouraged in their faith, equipped to critically engage a changing world, and empowered to be justice-makers.
Alex looks forward to working with SPC members and the broader community, navigating the impactful programs that alredy exist and discerning which new horizons and frontiers God may be calling SPC to serve. Information on those programs and the church is at swarthmorepres.org and 610-543-4712.