Based in Sydney, Australia, Foundry is a blog by Rebecca Thao. Her posts explore modern architecture through photos and quotes by influential architects, engineers, and artists.

Collegians Tune up for Fetter Chamber Music Series

Collegians Tune up for Fetter Chamber Music Series


Swarthmore College undergraduates coached by members of the faculty have been rehearsing and will soon perform three concerts in the fall 2019 Elizabeth Pollard Fetter chamber music series.

The first concert in the series will take place on Saturday, November 16, 8 p.m. at Lang Concert Hall. “Critical Mass,” an ensemble of seven students coached by James Blasina will undertake works by de Machaut, Monteverde, des Prez, and Byrd. A trumpet/piano/bass trio will improvise on works by Ornette Coleman and Charlie Haden and play original works, under the coaching of Noah Jarrett. After intermission, a group coached by Marcantonio Barone plays the Dvorak Piano Quintet.

Subsequent Fetter Concerts, also at Lang, will be held on Sunday, November 24, at 7:30 p.m. and on Saturday, December 7, at 3 p.m. The November performances include a Poulenc oboe sonata and a Debussy Cello sonata, followed by the Brahms B major piano trio. In December, students will undertake guitar/piano and viola/piano duos, than Mozart’s sonata #4 in E minor and Mendelssohn’s string quartet #1. All performances are free and open to the public.

Young and Determined: Meet the Sunrise Movement

Young and Determined: Meet the Sunrise Movement

A Better Chance Strath Haven Welcomes New Scholars

A Better Chance Strath Haven Welcomes New Scholars