A Cup of Tea — The Swarthmorean

Based in Sydney, Australia, Foundry is a blog by Rebecca Thao. Her posts explore modern architecture through photos and quotes by influential architects, engineers, and artists.

A Cup of Tea

A Cup of Tea

In the midst of this Corona crisis
I sip a cup of tea.
Free as I can be
I sip a cup of tea.

Trapped I am in
this six by seven cell,
a living hell for some.

Terrified, what if Corona comes?
Coffins for all, the good and the bad,
the big, the small,
disposable life forces,
locked gates, no remorse,
frightened oppressors gone.
It’s my reality.
Frustration, anxiety?
No serenity, peace or tranquility.

Free as I can be,
I sip a cup of tea.

Trevor Mattis, BH-3126

This poem was sent to us by Judith Trustone of Swarthmore. The poet, Trevor Mattis, is imprisoned at Pennsylvania’s State Correctional Institution Rockview. He is Inside Director of the Swarthmore-based publishing company Sagewriters, which Trustone directs.

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