The Greening — The Swarthmorean

Based in Sydney, Australia, Foundry is a blog by Rebecca Thao. Her posts explore modern architecture through photos and quotes by influential architects, engineers, and artists.

The Greening

Wait now. The wind silenced.
Cupped palms of dogwood suspended,
arms outstretched to catch the sky.
All blue.
Iris, forget-me-not.
And the greening of April, the thatch
of hostas winding through. Just now.
The wait long—the moment ineffable.

Linda M. Fischer’s poetry is widely published in the small press. Active for many years with the Mad Poets Society and nominated twice for a Pushcart Prize, she has published two collections of her work, Raccoon Afternoons and Glory. She lives in Swarthmore; her website is

Three Mile Island Woman March 28, 1979

A Morning of Robins