Jean H. McCown — The Swarthmorean

Based in Sydney, Australia, Foundry is a blog by Rebecca Thao. Her posts explore modern architecture through photos and quotes by influential architects, engineers, and artists.

Jean H. McCown

Jean H. McCown

Jean Hemlepp McCown passed away to be with her Lord and savior on November 14 in Coatesville. She was 93.

Jean was born in Ashland, Kentucky, to William and Grace Hemlepp; she was the youngest of five children.

She graduated from the University of Kentucky, where she was a member of the Alpha Delta Pi sorority. After graduation, she participated in the Caravan program, doing missionary outreach for the Kentucky Methodist Church. After completing her mission work, she was an administrative assistant at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, Ohio.

After several moves, Jean eventually settled in Raleigh, North Carolina, where she was a long-time employee of the Raleigh public schools, retiring in 1987 as the media specialist at Carroll Middle School. She was active in the Pines of Carolina Council of the Girl Scouts of America and served as a scout leader and as activities director for Laurel Acres Girl Scout Day Camp in the 1960s. She was dedicated to raising her two daughters and was always encouraging and present at their various concerts, performances, and sporting events.

Upon retiring, she relocated to Glen Ellyn, Illinois, and later to Swarthmore and Coatesville, to be nearer to her daughter and grandchildren.

She is survived by her two daughters, Deborah McCown Jessey (Simon) and Margaret McCown Freniere (Bruce); two granddaughters; and two great-grandchildren.

She was preceded in death by her brother William Hemlepp; two sisters, Kathryn Hemlepp Pennington and Ruth Hemlepp Bunch; and another brother, Arthur Hemlepp, who died in infancy.

Inurnment will be in Ashland, Kentucky. Private services will be held at a later time. In lieu of flowers, memorial donations may be sent to Harrison House–Coatesville, 300 Strode Ave., Coatesville, PA 19320-2874.

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