To the Editor,
As a loyal and enthusiastic reader, I was shocked and deeply disappointed by the recent editorial shake-up (purge?).
Unfortunately, so little information has been made available that it’s impossible to discern whether the editors are touchy hotheads, the publishers are controlling toadies who bow to the wishes of a few complaining conservatives, or if some combination of these resulted in this seemingly irreconcilable conflict. I thought we were mature grownups here, committed to the interests of the community. In my opinion, the publishers and the editors have an obligation to be more transparent to The Swarthmorean’s loyal readership. Who was intransigent? Who refused to blink? What was the discussion?
Let me add that the last year has seen an upheaval the likes of which none of us have experienced before. Part of the huge change that has been thrust on us is an unprecedented focus on centuries of ongoing racial injustice. To not participate in the discussion surrounding the extent of this abomination strikes me as being sadly — nearly callously — out of touch with an evolving, major cultural shift.
Rob Dreyfus