Send us the vaccines!
To the Editor,
Many of us senior citizens are focused on one question: How and when can we get our coronavirus vaccination? Of course, the question pertains to the entire community, not just seniors.
The Centers for Disease Control reports that, as of February 25, “about 24 million Americans ages 65 and older, or about 41%, had received at least one coronavirus vaccine dose,” according to a March 1 New York Times article. In contrast, out of the “estimated 246,680 people in Delaware County who are in Phase 1A and eligible to receive the vaccine” (according to a February 25 Delaware County news release), the Pennsylvania Department of Health reports that, as of March 1 only 71,662 Delaware County residents had received at least one coronavirus vaccine dose. That means the vaccination rate in Delaware County is only 29% of those eligible, far below the reported national rate of 41%. We cannot help but wonder why this is.
We need to ask questions, particularly of our elected officials, from the county level all the way to the White House. We need to ask, not just “Why?”, but “How do you plan to fix this?” Philadelphia Inquirer columnist Maria Panaritis did just that recently, asking questions until somebody paid attention. According to the Inquirer’s analysis, Delaware County ranks 53rd out of 67 counties in Pennsylvania in the rate of doses delivered, even though it is the commonwealth’s fifth most populous county. Representatives from the commonwealth’s health department and congressional representatives told Panaritis that they had pledged to boost vaccine supply and “fix things in the suburbs,” but they gave her neither details nor a timetable.
In our daily e-newsletter, the Swarthmore Senior Citizens Association reports when and where to register for vaccinations, and when and where to receive them. We use our telephone tree to get the word out to those who may not be online. Whatever your age, you are encouraged to subscribe to our email newsletter at
In addition, the Senior Citizens Association has applied to the county to become a vaccination site. Partnering with Swarthmore United Methodist Church and borough officials, we were recently offered an opportunity to complete a very small number of vaccinations, and we did so, demonstrating our ability to organize a vaccination center and get people vaccinated. Unfortunately, an opportunity like this has not presented itself again.
We are well aware that our organization represents a privileged population, and that we have a responsibility to assist those in our community and beyond who have fewer resources. The Nether-Swarthmore TimeBank has a list of volunteers who are ready to drive you to a vaccination site, or sit with a relative while you leave them to go get vaccinated, or check in with you in the hours following your vaccination (which is a good idea!).
We are ready. Just send us the vaccines!
Nancy Daniel, President
Linton Stables, Vaccination Project Coordinator
Swarthmore Senior Citizen Association