What’s Happening With PECO?
To The Swarthmore,
As residents of Hillborn Avenue (a street which straddles Springfield Township and Swarthmore Borough), we learned only this morning that PECO is planning to install new equipment on a route that includes our street. This project will include tree work (whether it is trimming or removal, we do not know).
To our knowledge, even though the tree work is scheduled to be completed by the end of 2021, no one on our street has been notified by PECO.
We have requested that PECO place this project on hold so that a full assessment of the project’s environmental impact can be completed and communicated to local residents. Those whose properties lie along the planned route of construction face, not only a potential degradation of environment in terms of aesthetics and climate resilience (e.g., diminished heat mitigation) should mature trees be damaged or lost, but also lower property values (a mature tree canopy has been shown to enhance saleability and property values).
We are hoping that other residents will communicate their concerns to PECO and/or local officials.
Florence Ann Roberts
Robert Dreyfus