Based in Sydney, Australia, Foundry is a blog by Rebecca Thao. Her posts explore modern architecture through photos and quotes by influential architects, engineers, and artists.

More intersection suggestions

More intersection suggestions

To the Editor,

In all the discussion about accidents at the Yale/Cornell intersection, and speeding on Yale in general, I don’t recall any remarks about the lack of speed limit signs on Yale between Chester Road and for about a quarter mile east on Yale. How about two more, oversized, on each side of the street? I also note that the stop sign on the north side of Cornell is quite far back from the intersection. Why? One must creep forward quite a bit to actually see cross traffic on Yale. Finally, thank you to the homeowner(s) who further trimmed the hedge. I understand it was already code compliant, but thanks for the extra step (whether by choice or after being asked to volunteer to do so)!

Heather Jorgensen

Center of the community continues constant

Center of the community continues constant

Appreciating our local paper

Appreciating our local paper