Based in Sydney, Australia, Foundry is a blog by Rebecca Thao. Her posts explore modern architecture through photos and quotes by influential architects, engineers, and artists.

Sublime Jazz; Substandard Crowd

Sublime Jazz; Substandard Crowd

Blackbird Society Orchestra at WaR3house 3

Blackbird Society Orchestra at WaR3house 3

To the Editor:

Last Saturday night, my husband and I had a marvelous time at war3house3 in Swarthmore listening to the eight-piece Blackbird Society Orchestra play jazz from the flapper era. Fun and uplifting, but dampened by the audience being scarcely larger than the band! Where is everybody? If this were the Arden Gild Hall, it would have been packed, at a mere $15 a ticket in advance. If our community doesn’t turn out for fabulous events like this, these events will disappear.

Robin Schaufler

Mass extinction

Eating Weeds is the Best Revenge

Eating Weeds is the Best Revenge