Based in Sydney, Australia, Foundry is a blog by Rebecca Thao. Her posts explore modern architecture through photos and quotes by influential architects, engineers, and artists.

Hedge obstructs sightline

Hedge obstructs sightline

The corner of Yale and Cornell. Photo courtesy of Google Maps.

The corner of Yale and Cornell. Photo courtesy of Google Maps.

To the Editor:

I read with interest the Borough Council [committee] discussion about traffic on Yale Avenue, especially at the intersections of Rutgers and Cornell.

I live in that part of town and deal with the intersection of Yale and Cornell to travel to and from my home. While it may be true the line of hedges at the corner of Yale and Cornell meets the code in terms of height, it still represents a tremendous blind spot in crossing at that intersection. I find that I need to inch out slowly to gauge how far away approaching traffic is. Because people exceed the speed limit on Yale, I don’t feel it’s safe to cross unless I see the view is clear far beyond what’s immediately visible.

Margaret Betz

A lifeline in the face of the climate crisis

A lifeline in the face of the climate crisis

Christmas postcards from a distant past

Christmas postcards from a distant past