“Kneehigh is my favorite! And Emma [Cunniff, the proprietor] just got married, so it’s a celebration to see her.” Bethany Formica
To see it through our daughter’s eyes — what things she’s excited about.” Nicholas Tietz-Sokolsky, with Eugenia and Sophia (in stroller)
“I love the fresh produce and the fact that it’s delivered to your community. The quality and the price — it’s wonderful.” Crystal Brisbane
I am excited about all the gorgeous spring produce, like the rhubarb and green garlic and tender spinach. And all the young baby plants. And just being out in the community and having this space again for all of us to come and celebrate local food.” Helen Nadel
“I’m always excited when the farmers market opens because you get to see your friends and neighbors.” Rep. Mary Gay Scanlon (PA-5) (left) “I’m excited because I’m a teacher and summer’s coming.” Julie Clapp
“It’s not just fruits and veggies. You’ve got plants, you’ve got soaps and hot coffee. I like the assortment.” Mitch Roberge
“We come every week together. Today we’re picking up plants to put in our garden. (But the squirrels might eat all our food.)” Erin Kennedy-Rogers with Connor and Jack
“The community aspect of it, and the fresh produce.” Carol Savery
I’m excited about the market — adjectives seem unnecessary after a year of Covid. Proper nouns are exciting enough.” Julian Yates
I’m excited to see things going back to normal.” Swarthmore Police Chief Raymond Stufflet
“I’m so excited about seeing all the vendors again that I’ve gotten to be friends with over the years: Kneehigh, Beechwood, and Ruth at the mushroom place, and Linden Dale. They’re such nice people.” Steve Platt