All tagged Wallingford Elementary

Winter Poems From the Fourth Grade

Jill Brook’s fourth-grade Online Academy class has been studying and writing poetry for the winter season. They began by reading dozens of selections included in “100 Poems from Japanese” (collected and translated by Kenneth Rexroth). Next, says Brook, “We observed what feeling and/or image was created” by the poems’ brief lines. Lastly, the students wrote their own poems.

WES Kids Make Art for Community

Have you seen colorful traffic safety signs displayed on lawns throughout South Media and other parts of the Wallingford Elementary School (WES) community? Twenty-six WES students, all residents of South Media, conceived of, designed, and created the signs during the fall term of the SMArt (South Media Art) program.

Whooping Cough in WSSD

Eight cases of pertussis have been confirmed in the Wallingford-Swarthmore School District since the beginning of the school year, according to Superintendent Lisa Palmer. The diagnosed students have been from Swarthmore-Rutledge School, Strath Haven Middle School, and Strath Haven High School. The highly contagious disease, which affects the lungs, is commonly known as whooping cough because of the sound sufferers sometimes make after a long fit of coughing.