All tagged Swarthmore Rutledge School

SRS Cares for Each Other

Swarthmore-Rutledge School Home and School Association has planned a series of activities and events that can be completed at home or in the surrounding community throughout the month of April. Two of the events fall under the theme “SRS Cares for Each Other.”

Winter Poems From the Fourth Grade

Jill Brook’s fourth-grade Online Academy class has been studying and writing poetry for the winter season. They began by reading dozens of selections included in “100 Poems from Japanese” (collected and translated by Kenneth Rexroth). Next, says Brook, “We observed what feeling and/or image was created” by the poems’ brief lines. Lastly, the students wrote their own poems.

Learning From Lockdown

I’ve seen a lot change because of COVID-19. I recently graduated from Swarthmore-Rutledge School, and I liked that my online instruction schedule was flexible. Still, I missed things like playing capture the flag and dodgeball with my classmates in gym class. I have learned a lot during the pandemic, like remembering to be grateful for everything and adjusting to changes. Staying at home is tough sometimes, but I’ll remember a lot about this time when I’m older.

Fifth Graders Propose Indigenous Peoples’ Day

Last October, fifth graders at Swarthmore Rutledge School read about Indigenous Peoples’ Day in a Scholastic magazine. They were surprised to learn that few states formally celebrate the holiday - Pennsylvania among them. At the same time, students were learning about Columbus’ “discovery” of America and about colonists coming to “the New World” from the perspective of indigenous people. This spurred them to want to learn more about Indigenous Peoples’ Day.

New Group Promotes Diversity and Inclusion in WSSD

In the early evening of February 11, the library at the Swarthmore Rutledge School hummed with energy and ideas. Groups of parents, grandparents, teachers, and staff rotated around the room, with its bright blue rug and imagination station, brainstorming strategies to better support and teach about diversity in the Wallingford-Swarthmore School District.