All tagged Editor

New Threads: Opening Thoughts From Your New Editor

When I moved to Swarthmore in June 2000, our real estate agent gave us a year’s subscription to The Swarthmorean. I remember how happy it made me to leaf through those pages. The articles, the ads for local business, the calendar, and the classifieds were all windows into this new, unknown community I was joining. In the nearly 20 years since, I have looked forward every week to getting the paper. Even as I came to know my neighbors, get drawn into local organizations, and see my kids’ procession from first grade at SRS all the way through the high school, I have counted on The Swarthmorean to inform me, enliven me, and help me feel connected. My goal as editor will be to continue these missions and to broaden outward.

Farewell to Chris & Hello to Rachel

This week’s edition marks a changing of the guard here at The Swarthmorean. We want to express sincere gratitude to our departing editor, Chris Reynolds, who for nearly half a decade has done a masterful job functioning as the paper’s heart and soul. We are delighted to have found Rachel Pastan, a writer, editor and writing teacher with more than 30 years of professional experience, the past two decades of which were spent in Swarthmore.

The Next Chapter

I’ve spent the past 4½ years sitting at a big desk looking out onto Swarthmore, as I arrange words to describe what’s going on beyond the window. I’ll miss the work, and I’ll miss the view — the village of Swarthmore, whose sidewalks beckon you to stroll and explore; whose avenues invite you to ride a bike; whose yards and parks burst with vitality and imagination.