Tree Pruning Demonstration Sponsored By Swarthmore Tree Committee
Charles Cresson. Photo: Corey Ullman
Join horticulturalist Charles Cresson for a free demonstration and discussion to learn basic tree pruning techniques that improve the health and safety of your trees. The event will be held Saturday, November 6, at 1 p.m. Meet at the small amphitheater in front of the library. Charles is an author, lecturer, noted gardener, long standing member of the Tree Committee, and lifelong Swarthmore resident.
Pruning of young trees is especially important to encourage structural integrity as the trees mature. Small cuts at this stage of growth heal more quickly, can avoid large and expensive future problems, and help create a stronger and healthier urban canopy. Using the trees around Borough Hall as examples, Charles will discuss and demonstrate the basic principles of tree pruning, including how to select the correct branches for pruning, removing branches correctly, and how to prevent structural problems as the tree grows to maturity. Other issues of tree health will also be discussed.
Using the recent Swarthmore Tree Survey as its database, the Tree Committee is encouraging homeowners who have planted trees within the past few years to actively manage their young trees. Each spring and fall the Tree Committee holds Tree Sales, partially subsidized by the borough Street Tree Program, to add new street trees and replace those that have been removed because of old age, disease, or storm damage. We want to keep these recently planted trees healthy and thriving. But this pruning demonstration is for trees anywhere on a homeowner’s property, not just for street trees.
Mark your calendars and bring your notepads and pencils. Learn to be good stewards of your tree friends.