Based in Sydney, Australia, Foundry is a blog by Rebecca Thao. Her posts explore modern architecture through photos and quotes by influential architects, engineers, and artists.

Swim Club to Open June 29

Swim Club to Open June 29

In the midst of the tumult and restrictions of the last few months, many Swarthmoreans have been looking forward to cooling off — and experiencing some normality — at the Swarthmore Swim Club (SSC)

Will it open, and if so, when? 

The answer is yes, on Monday, June 29. (As long as the COVID-19 situation does not suddenly get much worse.)

Pool manager Kevin Haney is busy getting the pool ready. Pool covers have come off, grounds are being spruced up, and staff is being hired and trained. SSC typically employs about 60 staff members, including many local young people. 

SSC has determined that the club’s grounds are large enough to accommodate 150 at a time with social distancing. On a normal day, that shouldn’t cause any problems. On days that see extraordinary use, like the July Fourth weekend, would-be swimmers may have to wait.

Board member Shannon Elliott anticipates that the opening will provide “an opportunity for members to appropriately gather at their happy place and cool off, just as it has for the past 65 years!” 

Swarthmore Mom Celebrates 119th Birthday! (Briefly Dated Al Capone)

Swarthmore Mom Celebrates 119th Birthday! (Briefly Dated Al Capone)

WES Kids Make Art for Community

WES Kids Make Art for Community