Outdoor Ghost Stories: A Plethora of the Paranormal for Adults — The Swarthmorean

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Outdoor Ghost Stories: A Plethora of the Paranormal for Adults

Outdoor Ghost Stories: A Plethora of the Paranormal for Adults

Do you have a favorite ghost story or local legend? Are you fascinated by paranormal experiences? The Swarthmore Public Library invites adults to gather in Little Crum Creek Park to share and listen to a plethora of eerie tales. 

For more local stories and lore, check out “Weird Pennsylvania” by Matt Lake, “Night Stalks the Mansion” by Constance Westbie, or “Once Upon a Hex: A Spiritual Ecology of the Pennsylvania Germans” by Dennis Boyer. All of these titles are available in the Swarthmore Public Library collection. 

The library will also share staff recommendations for spooky stories every Thursday on their website and Facebook page. 

Registration is required. Distancing will be observed, and apple cider will be provided. 

Friday, October 16, 7:30-8:30 p.m. Between Yale and Harvard avenues, just west of Swarthmore Avenue. 

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