Based in Sydney, Australia, Foundry is a blog by Rebecca Thao. Her posts explore modern architecture through photos and quotes by influential architects, engineers, and artists.

A New Voice for a New Year: Stefan Roots Essentials

A New Voice for a New Year: Stefan Roots Essentials

Stefan Roots has joined the Swarthmorean team as a regular contributor. We found him writing a community paper and blog in Chester and invited him to share his talents with us.

Stefan is a Villanova University electrical engineering graduate who stumbled into the newspaper business at the Delaware County Daily Times as an advertising manager. Unfortunately the early 2000s saw declining readership and dwindling employment at the Daily Times. “After being booted out of beautiful downtown Primos,” as Stefan puts it, he took the opportunity to launch a community paper for Chester City, called the Chester Spotlight, in 2006.


After publishing the monthly paper for four years, Stefan joined the volunteer-based Daily Times Media Lab, helping writers around the county start blogs. He stopped publishing the Chester Spotlight and morphed into the blogosphere as the C-City Blogger. Under different names, the blog has run constantly since 2010, and is now known as the Chester Matters Blog.

Stefan jumped back into publishing a Chester paper in 2018 with Chester Matters, which has put ten editions on the street since the re-launch. No longer is the content targeted just to Chester, as Stefan has dedicated entire issues to women, criminal justice, education, religion, and other themes. 

Our arrangement with Stefan allows us to share pieces from his blog with Swarthmorean readers. He will also write articles specifically for this paper. To start, those articles will be in a category he calls Sports Essentials. These articles about sports will not be limited to covering games, but also will include human interest stories featuring athletes, coaches, and others in the interesting fringe areas that can make sports such a meaningful and entertaining part of our daily lives.

We think you will enjoy reading Stefan. He’s witty, intelligent, and opinionated. He’s also knowledgeable about lots of different things. And he’s a wonderful storyteller.

Join us in welcoming our new contributor, Stefan Roots.

The Swarthmorean: A Year of Change

The Swarthmorean: A Year of Change

Council Celebrates David Creagan, Passes 2020 Budget

Council Celebrates David Creagan, Passes 2020 Budget